DMCA Policy (copyright)

If you believe this website contains content in which you own the copyright (i.e. images, text, etc.), you, as the copyright owner, can file a claim of infringement. Your claim of infringement must include the following information:

1. Your name (copyright owner) and contact information
2. Identification and description of the copyrighted work
3. Identification and description of the alleged infringing material
4. A statement that your claim is made in good faith
5. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that your claim is accurate and that you are authorized to make it.
6. Your signature (copyright owner)

The claim of infringement should be emailed to the attention of Shan Afzal at [email protected]t, or mailed to:

Collin County Area REALTORS®
ATTN: Shan Afzal
6821 Coit Road
Plano, Texas 75024
